Why You Should Get a Massage
We are giving busy people everywhere permission to schedule a personal massage. Why? There are many reasons that you, no matter who you are, should be getting a massage regularly. One of the biggest and most obvious reasons that a massage should be a regular part of your life is because of how relaxing and…
Read More5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism
#1 Don’t Skip Breakfast The morning meal jump starts your metabolism and helps to prevent bingeing later in the day. A cup of coffee does not count – the caffeine and added sugar may give you a bit of energy and suppress your appetite for a little while. However, it is sure to back fire…
Read MoreEasy Portabella Mushroom Tacos
6 Tips For 6-pack Abs
No matter if you are a teen trying to get into shape or a grown adult returning to the world of fitness, a harder and flatter stomach is what many seek. This article does not claim to give “rock hard abs” in a week, but instead serves to try to change the views some people…
Read More3 Step Spicy Pumpkin Hummus
What Does It Take to Lose Body Fat?
To lose body fat, you need to incorporate sheer simplicity, plus ultimate science because understanding how to lose body fat comprises your awareness of BOTH concepts. Now is the time to prepare your heart and mind for non-stop challenge, consistent focus, and utmost care. You are here seeking some viable remedy, correct? Our time together…
Read MoreFitness Tips for Busy Moms
When you’re busy balancing work, kids, and home life in general, you might feel that there’s not enough time in the day for health and fitness. The word “exercise” just doesn’t seem to fit into your vocabulary. But there’s good news. With just a little daily commitment, you can achieve good health and fitness in…
Read MoreSpicy Chickpea Asian Tacos with Tahini Sauce
5 Steps to Starting Your Exercise Routine
Often times the biggest hurdle to exercising is knowing how to start. Everyone knows they have to do something to get in shape but what is that something and how do I fit it in my crazy schedule? The abundance of information on health and fitness available to us can be overwhelming. So much that…
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